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英语对话日常聊天 英语对话



2、日常英语口语对话范文一: Clerk:Good morning. Wilson Association。Brown:This is Mr. Brown speaking. Id like to speak to Mr. Thomas。

3、【篇一】关于日常生活的英语口语情景对话 Todd: OK. Hello! 你好! Kevin: Hi! How you doing? 嗨!你好吗? Todd: Im doing pretty good. 我很好。

4、关于日常生活英语对话一 blow ones top 勃然大怒 A:I heard that Mark was trying hard to win her favor, but she didnt give him a tumble.A:我听说马克在努力赢得她的欢心,但她却不予理睬。

英语对话日常聊天 英语对话

5、日常英语口语对话(1)这家咖啡馆的环境还不错。The environment of this caféis nice。你想喝点什么?What would you like to drink?今天我请客。It’s my treat today。喂,服务生!Oh, waiter!请来两杯咖啡。

6、日常英语口语对话1 Hold on等一下(口语中,人们不太用wait a minute)如果两人辩论,吵架,抬杠,你要别人“打住”,可以说,hold it right there. I hate his guts.我最讨厌他。


关于英语对话范文篇一 A: Will you go the Mathews wedding party this Saturday?你参加马修周六的婚礼吗?B: No unless I get invited. I hate weddings.不去,除非我接到请贴。我讨厌婚礼。

【篇一】关于英语口语对话稿精选 Leo: Recently, it is crazily said that Yike Zeng will go to study in Beijing International Studies University.最近网上疯传曾轶可要去北京第二外国语学院读书了。

【篇一】初中英语口语对话范文 A:Do you like China?A:你喜欢中国吗?B:Yes,I like it very much.B:是的,很喜欢。A:Are you used to Chinese food?A:你吃得惯中国的饭菜吗?B:Yes,I am.B:是的,我吃得惯。

日常英语对话范文带翻译篇1 病人: Doctor, do you mind me to have some words with you?医生,你介意我和你谈几句吗?医生: Yes, I do.我介意。病人: Please, I have no time.拜托了,我没什么时间了。

关于简单的英语对话短文篇1 Bryan和Cherry刚看完一场演唱会,正在谈论喜欢偶像的原因,还讨论了如何加入粉丝俱乐部。

两人英语对话范文1 Jaco: Hi, I am Jaco McGuire. You must be Mr. Simpson. I’m here to pick up your girl Jessica.你好。我是杰克麦奎尔。您肯定是辛普森先生。我是来接您女儿杰西卡的。


关于简单的英语对话篇1 Lucy发现自己已经穿不上以前买的牛仔裤了。她抱怨是因为妈妈做的饭太好吃,自己才吃胖了,妈妈则提醒她要多锻炼。

关于最简单的英语对话篇一 Clerk:Can I help you?Susan:Id like the Double Cheese Burger Meal, please。Clerk:What kind of drink would you like with that?Susan:Just a Coke will be fine。

英语对话日常聊天 英语对话

关于简单的英语对话篇1 A:I was just about to go bed when the telphone rang last night.A:昨晚我正要上床睡觉,电话铃响了。

简单英语对话带翻译篇1 A:He always likes to say something as if all his geese are swans.A: 他谈论问题时总喜欢言过其实。

Todd: OK, so Nanju, Im going to ask you aboutthings that people are sometimes afraid of. Are youafraid of flying?好,Nanju,我想问你些平常人们怕的事情。你害怕坐飞机吗?Nanju: No 不怕。


1、简单英语口语对话【1】Linda:Hello! Who is speaking?John:Hello! This is John. I want to speak to Linda。Linda:This is her。

2、关于简单的英语对话篇1 A:I was just about to go bed when the telphone rang last night.A:昨晚我正要上床睡觉,电话铃响了。

3、简单英语对话带翻译篇1 A:He always likes to say something as if all his geese are swans.A: 他谈论问题时总喜欢言过其实。

4、简单英语对话短文带翻译篇一 A:It seems to me that you fall for good-looking guys.A:好像你挺喜欢帅小伙的。B:Yeah.B:是的。

5、简单的日常英语对话短文篇1 Steven es to China for travelling. Now he wantsto change his travellers cheque into RMB.史蒂文到中国来旅行。现在他想把他的旅行支票兑换成人民币。

6、简单的日常英语交流对话1 A:The last thing I want to see is to lose face before my friends.A:我最不想见到自己在朋友面前丢脸。


1、英语口语情景对话一 经典句型:The maple is the national tree of Canada,and also the symbol of Canadians. 枫树是加拿大的国树,也是加拿大民族的象征。

英语对话日常聊天 英语对话

2、关于英语情景对话篇1 记者: We heard that you got 12million management fee of breeding dogs. Could you please explain where you use this money?我们听说你们收了1200万养犬管理费用。

3、小学生情景英语对话一 Linda :Wow ! Look at that !琳达:哇!看那!Joy :Thats Tower Bridge.乔伊:这是塔桥。Linda :Its marvelous. This is the first time Ive seen the bridge.琳达:这是了不起的。

4、日常英语口语的对话情景 Mr. Jones: Mary! I haven’t seen you since our dinner with Mr. Lee last week. Where have you been hiding yourself lately?Mary! 自从上星期我们和李先生吃过饭后就没见到你了。


. Ill fix you Up. 我会帮你打点。 实用英语口语基本对话 Greetings 问候语 Hello! / Hi! 你好! Good morning / afternoon / evening! 早晨(下午/晚上)好! I’m Kathy King. 我是凯西金。

日常英语对话带翻译篇一 杨: My wife always plains when I *** oke. She says *** oking is the worst thing.我的太太在我抽菸的时候一直抱怨。她说抽菸是最坏的事情。

There is simply no short cut. Off hand,我无法一下子就能想起这些英文单词。 Brush up on 常常复习,short cut,捷径。

英语口语情景对话一 经典句型:The maple is the national tree of Canada,and also the symbol of Canadians. 枫树是加拿大的国树,也是加拿大民族的象征。

日常英语口语对话(1)这家咖啡馆的环境还不错。The environment of this caféis nice。你想喝点什么?What would you like to drink?今天我请客。It’s my treat today。喂,服务生!Oh, waiter!请来两杯咖啡。