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五条评价学生的课堂英语用语 英语教师常用课堂用语




You did a good job.

You are excellent.

You made big progress.

五条评价学生的课堂英语用语 英语教师常用课堂用语

Your pronunciation is great.

You can compete with native speakers.

Good boy. Good girl.

You are the best one I have ever seen.

If you are the second, nobody can be the first.

1、Very good!


3.Answer the best!

4,Speak English very well!

5.Listen to the teacher carefully!


上课时说“Class begins”,下课时说“Class is over”,上课过程中可以随机提问同学“What is your opinion?”,夸奖时可以说“Good job/Well done.”

1 有很多常用课堂用语,如"Good morning/afternoon/evening","Let's begin/start","Can you repeat that?"等等。
2 这些常用课堂用语可以帮助教师更好地引导学生进行交流和互动,同时也可以加强课堂气氛,让学生更加积极参与课程。
3 此外,英语教师还可以根据自己的教学风格和教学内容自行创造或变化一些课堂用语,以使课程更加有趣生动,深入浅出。



1. Good morning/afternoon, class! - 同学们,早上/下午好!

2. How are you today? - 你们今天感觉怎么样?

3. Let's begin/start the lesson. - 让我们开始上课。

4. Open your books to page... - 打开书,翻到...页。

5. Repeat after me. - 跟我重复。

6. Can you hear me at the back? - 后面的同学能听到我说话吗?

7. Raise your hand if you have a question. - 如果有问题请举手。

8. Pay attention, please. - 请注意听讲。

9. Take turns to speak. - 轮流说话。

10. Practice this dialogue/conversation/passage. - 练习这段对话/会话/课文。

11. Speak louder/slower, please. - 请说大声/慢一点。

12. Can you give me an example/sentence using this word? - 可以给我一个使用这个单词的例子/句子吗?

13. Let's do a listening exercise. - 我们来做一项听力练习。

14. Work in pairs/groups. - 分组/小组合作。

15. Let's review what we have learned today. - 让我们复习一下今天学到的内容。

16. Do you have any questions about the homework? - 对作业有什么问题吗?

17. Well done/great job, class! - 同学们,做得很好!

18. Class dismissed. - 下课。

