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童心未泯英文 16字英文短句温柔



1.一笑而过不喜红尘 穷极一生只爱一人,遇见你是我最美的意外。Laugh it off, don't like the world of mortals. Love one person all your life

2.你是人间四月天,笑容温暖了我整个春天。You are the fourth day of the world, and the smile warms me throughout the spring.

3.幸得识卿桃花面,从此阡陌多暖春。Fortunately to know your peach blossom face, from now on crisscrossing much warm spring

童心未泯英文 16字英文短句温柔

You are special to me.
I care about you deeply.
Your smile brightens my day.
Your kindness touches my heart.
I appreciate everything you do.
You are a ray of sunshine.
Your company is a pleasure for me.
Your touch brings me comfort.
Your voice is soothing to my soul.
Your embrace brings warmth to my heart.

You are my sunshine.
All my thoughts are of you.
Your happiness is my life.

"Love is patient, love is kind." 这是一句非常经典的16字英文短句,表达了爱是耐心和善良的。在生活中,我们可以用这句话来形容温柔的行为和态度,比如:对待朋友和家人时的耐心和关心,对待陌生人时的善良和友善。


1. Love is a gentle touch of the soul.

2. Kindness is the language of the heart.

3. Smiles are the flowers of the soul.

童心未泯英文 16字英文短句温柔

4. Grace is the beauty of the spirit.

5. Hope is the light that guides us through darkness.

6. Peace is the harmony of the soul.

7. Compassion is the essence of humanity.

8. Friendship is a precious gift of life.

9. Joy is the song of the heart.

10. Faith is the strength that sustains us.

童心未泯英文 16字英文短句温柔

11. Gratitude is the key to happiness.

12. Serenity is the stillness of the mind.

13. tenderness is the softness of the heart.

14. Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.

15. Harmony is the music of the universe.
