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关于运动的英语谜语 一个关于鸭子的英语谜语



运动的英语谜语通常会涉及到动词的变化形式,需要根据上下文和语境进行判断。例如,根据谜语“The ball is rolling, where is it going?”,我们可以猜测答案是动词的现在分词形式,即“rolling”。同样地,根据谜语“I'm going to the store, what should I wear?”,我们可以猜测答案是动词的第三人称单数形式,即“wearing”。因此,在解决这类谜语时,需要根据具体的语境和语法规则进行分析和判断。

War to a woman away! Playing a sports term!

The answer: Men's singles

关于运动的英语谜语 一个关于鸭子的英语谜语

2、A white child, he played with the duo, who went to the previous, as the first fight.

The answer: Table Tennis

3、Born of a true lightweight, not the length feathered bird, no wings to fly the air, landing not difficult to take-off foot.

The answer: Badminton

4、Called the ball, not playing

The answer: Shot Put


Will swim, eats the small fish, it will be a flat mouth. is an animal, is not the goose, every day sings the loud snapping sound quack



1.What word is the longest one in English? 英语中那个单词最长?

答案是:smiles (首尾字母中间有mile 英里)。

2.What question can you never answer “Yes” to?(什么问题你永远也不能回答“是”?)

答案是:Are you dead?(你死了吗?)


I have no arms and no hands.But I have four legs and a back.I can stand,but I can 't walk.What am I? ----A table. 没有臂膀没有手, 但我有四条腿和一个背。 我能站,但不能走。 请问我是谁? 迷底:桌子


1、What is the weather today ?今天天气如何?(没有like,汉语式的chinglish有)It is cloud/worm.很冷/暖和。2、Do you like the weather today ?你喜欢今天的天气吗?Yes ,I do 是的,我喜欢。No ,it's boring for the strong wind 不,风太大了,令人讨厌。3、It's dark,whether it will rain天黑了,是否要下雨?I am agreed我感觉也是要下雨/我同意

关于运动的英语谜语 一个关于鸭子的英语谜语

1、What can hear without ears and answer without a mouth?



2、 What room has no walls,no doors,no windows,and no floors?



3、 What is dark but is made by light ?



4、 What is easy to get into but hard to get out of ?


5、 What is black When it is clean and white when it is dirty?

