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介绍赵露思的英语短文 英语作文介绍自己


介绍赵露思的英语短文 英语作文介绍自己


Zhao lu, si shi zhong, guo yan, I cheng chu, yan chang, ge xing. Oh, would wang bi bi xia. Don't be s g. Pardon? Zhong guo fei chang, shu hui, you new highs.


Bill Gates is the richest person in the world.(比尔·盖茨是世界上最富有的人) He was born on October 28th, 1995.(他出生于1995年10月28日) He liked mathmatic and computer science since he was a little boy.(当他还是普通一个小男孩的时候,他就喜欢数学和计算机科学)

He admitted to Harvard University in 1973.(他在1973年被哈佛大学录取后)In 1975, he founded his Microsoft Corporation with some friendsing.(在1975年,他与一些朋友创立了微软公司) And it became one of the most successful companies in the world.

(它成为世界上最成功的公司之一) He is really a very successful person.(他是一个很成功的人)His wisdom and talent lead him to the succeses.(他的智慧和才能使他走向成功。)


if you chat with pop singer Jacky Xue,you'll be amazed at how good he is at telling jokes. He always makes you laugh.When he tells a joke,he really acts it out.But his songs are full of sorrow and are quite unlike his personality."Perhaps I've already put all my sad feelings into writing songs,"said Jacky."So I don't have a heavy burden in mind and can stay happy."

Recently,Jacky put out a new photo book "Qianqian Junzi"with his best friend Jun Jun.The two met in the "Lycra my show"contest.Fans love his personality as well as his handsome looks.His self-titled album "Jacky" has an R&B style and a strong Chinese flavour.

After he graduated from high school,Jacky's dad sent him to study in Switzerland. In that beautiful country.He had to live totally on his own.He had never been away from home before.Every little thing,from washing his socks to getting over longliness,was a big task.Jacky said he left home as a boy but returned as a young man
