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讽刺自己自作多情的话 自作多情英语


自作多情是一个汉语词汇,拼音是zì zuò duō qíng。自,自己自作多情英语;作,行为;多,多余;情,意思表示。自己做的多余的意思表示的行为。意思是自以为或自己想象自己是人家的意中人。

自作多情 词典imagine oneself as the favourite of one of the opposite sex自作多情英语:自作多情。词典be under the hallucination that the other party is willing:自作多情。词典self-sentimental:自作多情。

lover.多情的爱人 In romantic despair, he wrote a symphony telling the tale of his love.在自作多情的绝望之中,他写下自作多情英语了一部交响曲来记述他这段恋爱故事。

自作多情就是指:当你喜欢某人,而她却不喜欢你或者讨厌你,你继续喜欢着她并且做出一些不必要的牺牲。自作多情多用在爱情方面 其实友情,亲情中也存在。


自作多情 [词典] imagine oneself as the favourite of one of the opposite sex; be under the hallucination that the other party is willing; self-sentimental;[例句]别自作多情了,我说的不是你。

讽刺自己自作多情的话 自作多情英语

自作多情 词典imagine oneself as the favourite of one of the opposite sex:自作多情。词典be under the hallucination that the other party is willing:自作多情。词典self-sentimental:自作多情。



1、自作多情的英文:self-assertion、flatter yourself。例句 别自作多情了,我说的不是你。

2、自作多情 词典imagine oneself as the favourite of one of the opposite sex:自作多情。词典be under the hallucination that the other party is willing:自作多情。词典self-sentimental:自作多情。

3、自作多情是一个汉语词汇,拼音是zì zuò duō qíng。自,自己;作,行为;多,多余;情,意思表示。自己做的多余的意思表示的行为。意思是自以为或自己想象自己是人家的意中人。