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a hundred times TooLateToSaySorry歌词

大家好,今天小编关注到一个比较有意思的话题,就是关于a hundred times的问题,于是小编就整理了2个相关介绍a hundred times的解答,让我们一起看看吧。



but sorry is a word that you′ll never need

a hundred times TooLateToSaySorry歌词


see it don′t matter what you do


cos i already know we′re through


if it ain′t feeling right what′s the use


so you could try to plea





1. 时间状语

Told that his mother was ill, Li Lei hurried home quickly. 李蕾得知母亲生病了时,马上赶回了家。

Seen from the moon, the earth looks green. 从月亮上看时,地球是绿色。

2. 原因状语

Broken down on the high way, his car was carried away by the police. 由于他的车在高速公路上坏了,于是被警察拖走了。

Satisfied with what he did, the teacher praised him in class. 由于老师对他所做的事情很满意,于是在班上表扬了他。

3. 条件状语

Given a few minutes, I’ll finish it. 再给几分钟的时间,我就会完成了。

a hundred times TooLateToSaySorry歌词

Compared with you, I still have a long way to go. 跟你比较起来,我还差得很远呢。

4. 让步状语

Explained a hundred times, he still can’t understand it. 即使给他解释一百篇,她还是不会明白。

Trained ten hours a day, he will still be a fool. 即使每天训练十个小时,他也还会是个傻瓜。

5. 结果状语

He fell off a tall tree, his leg broken. 他从树上摔了下来,腿摔断了。

The cup fell down to the ground, broken. 茶杯掉到了地上,破碎了。



例子:One quarter of the shores of the Mediterranean are polluted.

   He seems disappointed.


例子:Thank heavens! The boy is saved. (表语;表示状态)

  The boy was saved by a young farmer.(被动语态;表示具体动作)

  注意事项: 过去分词与现在分词作表语的区别:过去分词作表语一般表示主语所处的状态或者感受,而-ing分词作表语多表示主语所具有的特征,

例子:Hearing the news, we felt very surprised.

   The news is very surprising.

到此,以上就是小编对于a hundred times的问题就介绍到这了,希望介绍关于a hundred times的2点解答对大家有用。