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make it up makeup of与make up for的区别

大家好,今天小编关注到一个比较有意思的话题,就是关于make it up的问题,于是小编就整理了3个相关介绍make it up的解答,让我们一起看看吧。

makeup of与make up for的区别

makeup of和make up for是两个不同的短语,含义不同。
1. makeup of是介词短语,表示由什么组成,例如,"The team is made up of players from different countries."2. make up for是动词短语,表示弥补或补偿,例如,"I bought her flowers to make up for being late."这两个短语很容易混淆,但一定要根据上下文和短语后面的词性来确定其含义。

"Makeup of" 和 "make up for" 是两个不同的词组,它们的意思和用法也不同。

"Makeup of" 意为“由...组成”,指的是某个事物的构成,通常用于描述某一个整体中各个部分的组成部分。例如:"The makeup of a computer includes a monitor, keyboard and CPU",这句话的意思是“电脑由显示器、键盘和CPU等组成”。

make it up makeup of与make up for的区别

"Make up for" 则意为“弥补、弥合、补偿”,通常指弥补过去的错误或缺点。例如: "I'm sorry for being late, I'll make it up for you by buying lunch today",这句话的意思是“我很抱歉迟到了,我会请你吃午餐来弥补的”。

需要注意的是,“makeup”和“make up”拼写相似但意义不同,"makeup"通常用于指化妆、脸部装饰等,而"make up"通常用于表示弥补、补救等概念。


它俩意义用法不一样:build 建造或建立;build sth up,意为“开发,创建”,例如:

He has built up a very meaningful school in his old age.


These evidences help the police build up a clear profile about the robber.


二、build sth up,意为“增强,加强”等,例如:

He's been trying his best to build up his muscles to make himself look healthy.


make up 和 make it up区别

①make up释义:组成;补足;化妆;编造;弥补。

make it up makeup of与make up for的区别

例如:He leans over backwards to make up for what he has lost.他尽力弥补他的损失。

Seven days makes up a week. 1周有7天

How can i make it up for you?我怎么做才能弥补你或者你如何才能原谅我?

They'll have to make up time lost during the strike.他们不得不加班弥补罢工耽误的时间

“make it up”,它真正的意思是“不计前嫌、和好”!


I know he wanted to make it up to you. 我知道他想和你和好如初。

They should make up with their ex-enemy in the West.

到此,以上就是小编对于make it up的问题就介绍到这了,希望介绍关于make it up的3点解答对大家有用。