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大学四级作文 四级作文字数



Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay on online dictionaries. You can start your essay with the sentence “Online dictionaries are becoming increasingly popular” . You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.


大学四级作文 四级作文字数

  Online dictionaries are becoming

At home, remind everybody garbage classification, water bottles, cans, such as waste paper packed together to sell, resources recycling, and made money, the waste batteries, cartridges, etc in the recycling bins.

In school, you can reuse and reuse garbage, put in two different trash cans, one is recyclable and one is unrecyclable.

Learn from your classmates and discuss ways to classify rubbish. In the suburbs, we will use two bags to classify garbage, pick up the garbage that we see and classify it, so that it is the best young pioneers. This allows you to easily categorize.



一般来说,字数要多于要求的字数为宜,但也不能超过太多。 要求120字,你写多20字也正常,但以150为上限。 用句子的数量来衡量的话,一般控制在10-15句为宜。



对于审题,应该看到,近年四级或六级题目大多是给出提纲,那么可以直接把提纲变为中心句,这些中心句就是每段的开头句。 后面接入标志逻辑的词汇,如first…;second…;third…;等分支观点。 也就是说,审题就是考虑文章的合理结构是什么,中心句是什么。

至于思考分支观点,请一定记住,外语考试的作文,考查的目标不是考生的思维水平或逻辑分析能力,而是考核语言表达能力。 所以建议采取的措施是,简化自己的思维和分析。 也就是,如何降低自己的思维水平,来迎合自己有限的语言状况。 比如:这个东西不贵,it is inexpensive,当然也可以说:it is cheap,或者说,it does not cost me much money。 等这些相关但简单的表达也是合理的。

最后,作文是应用类考试。 所以光看不写是不行的。 培根说过,“writing makes an exact man.”只有多写才能活化思想,固定句型和找到适合自己的“万能句”。
