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lower造句简单 lower



She bits her lower lips.He takes the lower chair to you.The price of books gets lower and lower.


他们的区别是意思不同。lower 指的是下方的;在底部的;较低级的;降低;减少;缩小。shorter指的是短的( short的比较级 );不够;短缺的;短期的。例句:lower

lower造句简单 lower

1、She lowered her head and brushed past photographers as she went back inside.她再次回到里面时低着头,与摄影师擦身而过。

2、Don't lower yourself, don't be the way they are.不要自贬身份,不要学他们那样。

lower造句简单 lower

3、The man moved closer, lowering his voice.那位男子靠近了一步,压低声音shorter1、The days get shorter after the Summer Solstice. 过了夏至,天就开始变短。2、The articles are noticeably shorter with strong headlines and graphics. 这些文章明显短了许多,并且配上了醒目的标题和图表。3、The car is some 40mm shorter than its predecessor. 这辆轿车比原先的车型短了约40毫米。


lower造句简单 lower