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turnitup和turnupit有区别吗 turn it up

大家好,今天小编关注到一个比较有意思的话题,就是关于turn it up的问题,于是小编就整理了4个相关介绍turn it up的解答,让我们一起看看吧。

turnitup和turnupit有区别吗 turn it up


这是一个带着宾语的动词短语, 当宾语是代词时 例如 it us you them me 等等, 这类代词宾语只能放在动词短语中间 , 所以正确的说法是:turn it up(调高它的声音)。

再看其他的例子:put them down(放下它们);take it off(脱掉它);pick me out(把我挑选出来)等等这类的例子。注意:如果宾语非代词,而是其他的词性,比如说名词,那么名词宾语的位置就灵活,可以放在动词短语中间,也可以放在后面,比如:turn the radio up 或者 turn up the radio.(调高收音机的声音)

turn up造句

1.Whether we need more food depends on how many people turn up.

2.Objects like this turn up at sales with surprising frequency.

3.We are working on the assumption that everyone invited will turn up.

4.The evening started badly when the speaker failed to turn up.

5.What are the odds he won't turn up?

6.He was threatened with dismissal if he continued to turn up late for work.

7.Bill would turn up the TV in the other room.


turn out的意思是结果是;(以某种方式)发生;最后是;(尤指天气突然)变晴好…,例如:It would later turn out that he himself had actually leaked this untrue story to the press. turn up的意思是调大;出现;(常指出其不意地或经长久等待后)ud现,例如:Woman:Could you please turn up the volume, Mr. Hoffman. 


这是同一个短语,up是副词,这种动词+副词构成的短语有很多,宾语的位置是个问题,如果是人称代词做宾语,宾语必须放在动词和副词的中间,如果是名词作宾语,宾语放在副词的前后都可以,如turn it up,turn the TV up或turn up the TV。

到此,以上就是小编对于turn it up的问题就介绍到这了,希望介绍关于turn it up的4点解答对大家有用。