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母亲节快乐的英语怎么写 用英文怎么写一句母亲节祝福



Thank you Honeymom I love you forthank you mom i love you for every day your mother on this day way home you thank you very much…

母亲节快乐的英语怎么写 用英文怎么写一句母亲节祝福


首先,给大家揭晓答案,“母亲节快乐”的正确表达是:Happy Mother's Day。在英语里面,只有给全体过的节日才用复数,比如:

Women's Day 妇女节

Teachers' Day 教师节 

Children's Day 儿童节 

Nurses' Day 护士节


Father's Day 父亲节

Valentine's Day 情人节


Some mothers may receive costly gift,有些母亲可能会收到昂贵的礼物,but flowers are the favourite.但最喜欢的礼物是花朵.Their gifts are usually hand-made flowers or Mother’s Day cards.孩子们的礼物通常是手工做成的花和母亲节卡片.The sentimental words on the cards tell mothers why they are appreciated.卡片上的富有感情的话,会告诉妈妈为什么感激她们.

1. Mother's Day is a special day to honor our mothers and show them our appreciation.母亲节是一个特殊的日子,我们向我们的母亲表示敬意和感谢。

2. My mother is my role model and the most important person in my life.我的母亲是我的榜样和我生命中最重要的人。

3. I always cherish the moments spent with my mother, and I'm grateful for all the things she has done for me.我总是珍惜与母亲在一起的时光,感谢她为我所做的一切。

4. On Mother's Day, I like to give my mother gifts or cook her a special meal to show my love and gratitude.在母亲节,我喜欢送母亲礼物或做一顿特别的饭菜,表示我对她的爱和感激之情。

5. This Mother's Day, let's all take some time to thank our mothers and let them know how much we love and appreciate them.在这个母亲节,让我们一起抽出一些时间感谢我们的母亲,让她们知道我们多么爱她们并感激她们。
