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尖叫英文 lets go和lets go to区别


尖叫英文 lets go和lets go to区别

lets go和lets go to区别


1.lets go是词组;lets go to是句子, us是宾格 。

2.lets go to释义:我们走吧。

例句:Lets go to dancing tonight.


3.lets go释义:放开;释放;发射。

例句:Good. Lets go to the office.


扩充.let go双语例句:

'Let go of me,' she said fiercely.


'Let go of me!' he squeaked nervously.

尖叫英文 lets go和lets go to区别


Peterson was let go after less than two years.


She held the photos with the determined grip of a small child and wouldn't let go.



"hear"和"hear of"都是动词,但它们的用法略有不同。

"hear"是指听到声音或信息,例如:"I can hear the birds singing outside."(我能听到外面鸟儿的歌唱。)

而"hear of"则是指听说过某人或某事,例如:"Have you heard of the new restaurant that just opened downtown?"(你听说过刚开业的市中心新餐厅吗?)

因此,"hear"强调的是听到声音或信息,而"hear of"强调的是听说过某人或某事。

1. Hear的意思是“听”,通常是指听到声音或消息。
2. Hear of的意思是“听说”,通常是指听到某个人或事情的消息。
所以,hear和hear of在含义上有所不同。

hear of 和 hear 都表示“听说,获悉”的意思,但它们在用法、意思和侧重点上有所不同。

首先,hear of 可以用作不及物动词,也可以用作及物动词,意思是“听说,知道某事”,后面可以直接接名词、代词或宾语从句。例如:

I heard of a new product that can help with weight loss. 我听说有一款新产品可以帮助减肥。

尖叫英文 lets go和lets go to区别

I heard from my friend that she had been in a car accident. 我从朋友那里听说她出了车祸。

I heard that the price of the product was $50. 我听说这个产品的价格是50美元。

其次,hear 通常指直接的听到或听到某种声音,强调的是“听到”的结果,即“听到了什么声音”。例如:

I heard a car start. 我听到了车子启动的声音。

I heard a scream. 我听到了一声尖叫。

I heard someone crying. 我听到有人在哭泣。

最后,侧重点不同。hear of 更注重听到的消息或事件的重要性或紧急性,而hear 则更侧重于听到的内容本身。例如:

I heard that John was leaving for work early. 我听说约翰今天早上要早去上班。

I heard nothing but the sound of the rain. 我什么也没听见,只听到了雨声。

总之,hear of 和 hear 都是常用的英语词汇,它们在用法、意思和侧重点上有所不同,需要根据具体情况选择使用。
