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英语课开场白 小学英语表演开场白




1. 问候和欢迎:向观众问候并表示欢迎。

2. 自我介绍:简要介绍自己的名字和班级。

英语课开场白 小学英语表演开场白

3. 表演主题:介绍今天表演的主题或内容。

4. 感谢支持:感谢老师、家长和同学们的支持。

5. 期待表演:表达对即将开始的表演的期待,并邀请观众一起享受这个美好的时刻。


Good morning/afternoon,everyone!

My name is [名字], and I'm from Class [班级]. It's a great pleasure to stand here today and present our English performance to all of you.

The theme of our performance today is [表演主题]. We have prepared a variety of interesting programs, including songs, dances, plays, and speeches. We hope to bring you a wonderful and enjoyable experience through our performance.

英语课开场白 小学英语表演开场白

I would like to take this opportunity to express our sincere gratitude to our teachers, parents, and classmates for their support and encouragement. Without their help, we would not have been able to put on this performance.

Now, I'm excited to invite you all to join us in this exciting journey of English learning and discovery. Let's enjoy the show!

Thank you!




Good morning/afternoon/night,everyone.my name is XXX。i am very glad to stand here to give a speech to you.It is my pleasure.Today i am going to talk about'XXX'.I hope you will enjoy it
