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avoid造句简单并翻译 avoid造句


用法不同 avoidavoid造句:是指自己避免做某事avoid造句,搭配是avoid doingavoid造句,后面不能接不定式。例如I have done so to avoid seeing the man“我这样做是想避免看到那个人”。

指代不同 avoid:指避免avoid造句;避开avoid造句,躲避;消除 evade:指逃避;规避;逃脱 用法不同 avoid:avoid的基本意思是避开不希望发生的、不愿忍受的或不想遇上的事情。有时含有先见之明的意味。

avoid造句简单并翻译 avoid造句

escape”和“avoid”都可以表示逃避的意思,但它们用于不同的语境和情境。例如:He tried to escape from the room. (他试图从房间里逃脱。)She is trying to avoid her responsibilities. (她试图逃避自己的责任。

escape多指避开实际的威胁,暗示威胁或危险正在迫近。 avoid侧重有意识地躲避开要冒险或有危险的事物或情况。


1、Panorama The first patient es out,a second patient goes in.(全景)第一个病人出来,第二个病人进去。The patient gained ground after being on operation.病人手术后大有好转。

2、例如:- I always try to avoid eating fast food because its not healthy. 我总是尽量避免吃快餐,因为它不健康。- She avoided answering my question directly. 她避免直接回答我的问题。

3、keep away from 远离(不要食用)句意是:医生要求病人至少24小时内不能吃固体食物。

avoid造句简单并翻译 avoid造句


Avoid doing something 避免做某事 例如:- I always try to avoid eating fast food because its not healthy. 我总是尽量避免吃快餐,因为它不健康。

It was adjudged wise to avoid war.避免战争被认为是明智的。2 His car was swerved to avoid bumping against the roadblock.为了避免撞上路障,他把车作了个急转弯。

Avoid using all caps in your interfaces.因此,一定要避免在界面中全面使用大写字母。


1、It was adjudged wise to avoid war.避免战争被认为是明智的。2 His car was swerved to avoid bumping against the roadblock.为了避免撞上路障,他把车作了个急转弯。

2、Avoid doing something 避免做某事 例如avoid造句:- I always try to avoid eating fast food because its not healthy. 我总是尽量避免吃快餐,因为它不健康。

avoid造句简单并翻译 avoid造句

3、I think she is avoiding me.我想她是在躲着我。Try to avoid aidents. 尽量防止发生事故。I avoided him as much as possible. 我尽量避开他。You should avoid such mistakes. 你应当避免这样的错误。

4、avoid [vid]vt.【法律】宣布(判决、抗辩等)无效avoid造句;使无效avoid造句;废止,撤销:to avoid a contract。使合同无效 躲开,避开(人、事物、地方),回避:to avoid a person。避开某人 to avoid crowds。

5、avoid是及物动词,后面可跟名词、动名词,不可接不定式,必须是avoid doing sth.而不是avoid to do sth.可用于被动结构。avoid所表达的意图总是达成的,否则就须用try。

6、从意思上看,可表示避开或躲避(keeponeselffrom)某人或某物;也可表示防止(prevent)某事的发生。例如:I think she is avoiding me.我想她是在躲着我。Try to avoid aidents.尽量防止发生事故。