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判断相对性状主要从哪三个方面考虑 contrasting




单位性状(unit character):孟德尔在研究豌豆等植物的性状遗传时,把植株所表现的性状总体区分为各个单位作为研究对象,这样区分开来的性状称为单位性状。豌豆的花色、种子形状、子叶颜色、豆荚形状、豆荚(未成熟的)颜色、花序着生部位和株高等性状,就是7个不同的单位性状。

相对性状(contrasting character):不同个体在单位性状上常有着各种不同的表现,例如,豌豆花色有红色和白色,种子形状有圆和皱。遗传学中把同一单位性状的相对差异,称为相对性状。孟德尔在研究单位性状的遗传时,就是用具有明显差异的相对性状来进行杂交试验的,只有这样,后代才能进行对比分析研究,从而找出差异,并发现遗传规律。

判断相对性状主要从哪三个方面考虑 contrasting



1. The prince and the pauper formed an unlikely bond.

2. Despite their contrasting backgrounds, the prince and the pauper shared a deep connection.

3. The prince's regal demeanor contrasted with the pauper's humble appearance.

4. The prince's generosity extended to the pauper, as he offered him a helping hand.

5. The pauper's innocence and simplicity captivated the prince's heart.

6. The prince and the pauper's friendship transcended social barriers.

判断相对性状主要从哪三个方面考虑 contrasting

7. The prince's wealth and privilege paled in comparison to the pauper's genuine happiness.

8. The prince's curiosity led him to discover the pauper's hidden talents and wisdom.

9. The pauper's resilience and determination inspired the prince to embrace humility.

10. The prince and the pauper's encounter changed their lives forever, teaching them the true value of friendship and compassion.
