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be keen on后面加什么 be keen on后跟动词什么形式


be keen on后面加什么 be  keen on后跟动词什么形式

be keen on后面加什么

1.They tend to be keen on volume of effort and overlook efficiency.他们倾向于努力的量而忽略了效率。

2.Lovers should be keen on the affairs of their partners to keep the relationship going.恋人们,你的另一半可能会有艳遇,多加注意以便关系得以维持。

3.Orban appeared to be keen on seeing further Chinese investment in infrastructure in CEE countries.欧尔班似乎盼望中国进一步投资中东欧国家基础设施。

be keen on后跟动词什么形式

加doing sth.

be keen on doing sth.

I'm keen on reading novel

be keen on 强调热衷于

如:He is very keen on physics .他对物理很感兴趣。
be keen to渴望做某事,极想做某事

如:She is very keen to visit China. 她渴望访问中国。


be keen on后面加什么 be  keen on后跟动词什么形式

  动词分实意动词、系动词、情态动词和助动词。实意动词用法如下: 动词若为及物动词,则其后可跟名词、代词、不定式、动词ing形式或宾语从句作宾语。

如: I like China。( n。) I hate her。
  ( pron。) I hope to help you。(不定式) I enjoy reading。(动名词) I hope I can help you。 (宾语从句) 若动词若不及物动词,则可跟副词或介词从而构成动词短语。
   I live in Laoting。 (in 为 pron。) You should think my advice over。(over 为 adv。) 回答者 :高中英语教师

be keen on doing造句

He has always been very keen on doing physical exercises.


Milan have just renewed Nelson Dida's contract and Inter are not keen on making new signings, as Julio Cesar is doing very well.


Milan have just renewed Nelson Dida's contract and Inter are not keen on making new signings, as Julio Cesar is doing very well.

