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2021年四级12月答案 2018年12月四级答案



1.Previous literature on indicators of competitives in the workplace.

2021年四级12月答案 2018年12月四级答案

2.Traits that matter most in one's pursuit of success in the labor market.

3.Excluding body shape as a category in the labor contract.

4.Imitating the lifestyles of heroes and role models.


1.The number of male nurses has gone down.

2.There is discrimination against male nurses.

3.There is a growing shortage of medical personnel.

4.The number of nurses has dropped to a record low.

2021年四级12月答案 2018年12月四级答案

5.The lifeboats patrol the area round the clock.

6. The beach is a good place to watch the tide.


1.To enable tourists to visit Goat Island.

2.Millions of coins on the bottom.

3.It shut down two border crossings with Libya.

4.Devise a monitoring system on the Tunisian

border with Libya.

2021年四级12月答案 2018年12月四级答案

5.A plant-powered mobile phone charger.

6.While sitting in the courtyard.


