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英语双人对话小故事 关于生病的英语小对话初中




A: "The moon comes out in the evening."

B: "Yeah, it's so pretty. I like looking at it."

A: "I miss you so much."

英语双人对话小故事 关于生病的英语小对话初中

B: "Aww, I miss you too. But we'll see each other soon."

A: "Why do you come back late?"

B: "Because of the traffic jam. Sometimes there are a lot of cars on the road and it takes a long time to get home."

A: "Oh, I see. I wish you could come home earlier."

B: "I wish so too, but sometimes things don't go as planned."

A: "Mom tells me stories every night."

B: "That's nice. What kind of stories does she tell you?"

A: "All kinds of stories! Fairy tales, adventure stories, and sometimes even stories from when she was a little girl."

英语双人对话小故事 关于生病的英语小对话初中

B: "Wow, your mom sounds like a great storyteller."

A: "Yeah, she is. She always makes the stories so interesting."

B: "Well, it's time for bed. Have a good dream."

A: "Goodnight, and you too."



  Gordon: What's going on?

  Molly: Nothing much, just the usual. Why do you ask?

  Gordon: Your nose is running and you seem like you have a fever.

英语双人对话小故事 关于生病的英语小对话初中

  Molly: How do you know?

  Gordon: I can see your symptoms. We should go to see a doctor.

  Molly: I will teach you some Emergency English on the drive to the hospital.

  Gordon: Great. I hope the English-speaking doctor can help me.
