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四级口试两人对话万能句子 英语四级考试作文万能句及万能模板


四级口试两人对话万能句子 英语四级考试作文万能句及万能模板



1. 开场白

- Nice to meet you. / It's a pleasure to meet you.

- How are you? / How have you been?

2. 询问对方意见

- What do you think about...?

- How do you feel about...?

- Would you like to...?

3. 表达自己的看法

- In my opinion, ...

- I believe that...

- From my perspective, ...

4. 同意或不同意对方的看法

- I agree with you. / I couldn't agree more.

- I disagree with you. / I don't think that's true.

5. 转移话题

- Let's talk about something else. / I'd like to change the subject.

- That reminds me of...

6. 结束对话

- That's all I have to say. / I think we've covered everything.

- Thank you for your time. / It was nice talking to you.



1. In my opinion, learning English is of great importance.
2. One reason is that English is widely used in international communication and business.
3. Another reason is that knowing English can open up more opportunities for personal and professional development.

1 是存在的。

2 因为英语四级考试注重考察语法、词汇、阅读和写作能力,掌握一些常用的句子和短语可以提高考试分数。3 以下是一些常用的- In my opinion,…- As far as I know,…- It is widely believed that…- According to the statistics…- Therefore,…- On the one hand, … On the other hand,…- To sum up,…- In conclusion,
