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七夕快乐用字母怎么表达 七夕英语长文案



七夕快乐可以用英文字母表达为"Happy Qixi Festival!"。其中,"Happy"表示快乐,"Qixi Festival"则是七夕节的英文翻译。七夕节是中国传统节日,也被称为中国情人节,庆祝牛郎织女相会的故事。在这一天,人们会向自己的爱人表达爱意,交换礼物和祝福。通过用英文字母表达七夕快乐,可以让更多的人了解和参与这个美好的节日,传递爱与祝福的信息。所以,让我们一起说一声"Happy Qixi Festival!",祝愿大家七夕快乐!

七夕快乐用字母怎么表达 七夕英语长文案



beautiful memory of our past, detailed out in the vivid visions of our dreams, and future plans, but most of all it's right now, in the moment where everything I've ever wanted in my life is standing right in front of me and smiling。


The seventh day of the seventh lunar month is the only Chinese festival devoted to love in the Lunar calendar. 

Unlike St. Valentine's Day in Western countries there is not so much emphasis on giving chocolates, flowers and kisses. Instead, Chinese girls prepare fruits, melons and incense(熏香) as offerings to Zhi Nu, the weaving maiden, praying to acquire high skills in needlecraft(裁缝), as well as hoping to find satisfactory husbands. 

In the evening, people sit outdoors to observe the stars. Chinese grannies would say that, if you stand under a grapevine, you can probably overhear what Zhi Nu and Niu Lang are talking about. 
