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急求水果类和花类的英语单词 20种英文花的名字_




azalea 杜鹃花 /camellia 山茶花

chrysanthemum 菊花/ daisy 雏菊

narcissus 水仙花 /orchid 兰花

急求水果类和花类的英语单词 20种英文花的名字_

water hyacinth 凤眼兰 mangnolia 木兰花


lemon 柠檬 /pear 梨子 /banana 香蕉

grape 葡萄 / peach 桃子

orange 橙 /strawberry 草莓

mango 芒果 /pineapple 菠萝


向日葵 sunflower 玫瑰 rose 玉兰 mangnolia 荷花 lotus/water Lily 蒲公英 dandelion 百合 lily 菊花 chrysanthemum 杜鹃 azalea 海桐花 pittosporum tobira 樱花 Cherry blossom 牵牛花 morning blossom 报春花 primrose 马蹄莲 calla 兰花 orchid 山茶 camellia 丁香 lilac 叶子花 Bougainvillea spectabilis 栀子花 cape jasmine 蝴蝶兰 moth orchid 夹竹桃 Nerium indicum 水仙 Chinese narcissus 桃花 die Pfirsichblüte 茉莉花 Jasmine Flower 仙客来 florists cyclamen 桂花 Sweet Osmanthus Flower 非洲菊 African daisy 波斯菊 Cosmos


I have 3 pots of Chlorophytum. Chlorophytum is a kind of vanilla, which has always been loved by people and is a symbol of elegance and purity. In ancient times, when people are compared with orchids, it means beautiful and noble. I like flowers, like orchids, more like orchids in the Diaolan.



ash [] n. 梣树

bark [bɑk] n. 树皮

beech [bit] n. n. 山毛榉

birch [bt] n.桦树

bird feeder n. 鸟食容器

blossom [blsm] n. 花

branch [brɑnt] n. 树枝

bud [bd] n.芽;蓓蕾

bush [b] n.灌木

buttercup [btkp] n.毛茛;金凤花

compost [kmpst] n. 堆肥

daffodil [dfdl] n. 黄水仙花

急求水果类和花类的英语单词 20种英文花的名字_

daisy [dezi] n.雏菊

dandelion [dndlan] n. 蒲公英

elm [elm] n.榆树

fence [fens] n.篱笆

fern [fn] n.蕨;蕨类植物

fertilizer [ftlaz(r)] n. 肥料

fir tree n. 冷杉树;枞树

flower [fla(r)] n.花朵

forest [frst] n.森林

forget-me-not n.勿忘我

garden [ɡɑdn] n. 花园;公园

garden bench n. 公园长凳

garden centre n. 苗圃;花卉市场

gardener [ɡɑdn(r)] n. 园丁;花匠

gardening [ɡɑdn] n. 园艺

grass [ɡrɑs] n. 割草

greenhouse [ɡrinhas] n. 温室

ground [ɡrand] n. 土壤;土地

grounds [grandz] n. 空地

hedge [hed] n. 树篱

hoe [h] n. 锄头

急求水果类和花类的英语单词 20种英文花的名字_

holly [hli] n.冬青树

hose [hz] n. 水管

ivy [avi] n. 常青藤

jasmine [dzmn] n. 茉莉

lawn [ln] n. 草坪

lawnmower [lnm(r)] n. 割草机

leaf [lif] n. 树叶

lily [lli] n. 百合

oak [k] n. 橡树

orchard [td] n. 果园

orchid [kd] n. 兰花

palm tree n.棕榈树

path [pɑθ] n. 小路;小径

patio [pti] n.露台;平台

petal [petl]n. 花瓣

pine [pan] n. 松树

plant [plɑnt] n. 
