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新概念2课后答案 新概念英语2第39课的摘要写作答案


新概念2课后答案 新概念英语2第39课的摘要写作答案


1.Dr.Millington refused to tell John Gilbert whether his operation had been sucessful.

2.The patient telphoned Dr. Millington next day and inquired about himself.

3.The docter answered the questions and asked whether the caller was a relative or not.

4.Then the caller told him who he was.

新概念2课后答案 新概念英语2第39课的摘要写作答案


1.关键句型练习答案 Ahadbeenlost(11.1-2);musthavebeenfound(11.3-4);wasnotreturned(1.4);had beenwrapped(1.6);wassent(1.9);waspaidback(1.10) C1Amealhasbeenpreparedforyou. 2ThebookwillbetranslatedintoEnglish. 3Atelegrammustbesenttohim. 4Thefirehadbeenputoutbeforethefirebrigadearrived. 5Thecatwasgivensomemilktodrink. 2.难点练习答案 1back2robbed…stole3back4stole5robbed 3.多项选择题答案 1b2d3a4b5b6d 7c8b9c10b11d12b


lesson 8 The best and the worst

Joe Sanders has the best garden in town .He wins 'The Nicest Garden Competition' each year .Bill Frith

also has a fine garden. Joe's is better. The writer 's garden is terrible .He always wins a prize for the worst garden in the town.

新概念2课后答案 新概念英语2第39课的摘要写作答案


Lesson 58The number of visitors to the village of Frinley has increased because there is said to be a ‘cursed tree’ near the church. Since the villagers believe that if anyone picks a leaf he will die, they have asked the vicar to have the tree cut down. As the tree is a useful source of income, the vicar has refused to have the tree cut down. Meanwhile, though tourists have been picking leaves, not one of them has come to harm. (81 words)
