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英语猜谜 英语月亮的谜语




1. What is always on its way to the moon but never gets there?(什么东西一直在去月亮的路上,但从未到达?)

Answer(答案): The stars(星星)

英语猜谜 英语月亮的谜语

2. I shine brightest at night, but disappear during the day. What am I?(我在夜晚最亮,白天消失。我是什么?)

Answer(答案): The moon(月亮)

3. I am round like a ball, but I am not a toy. I light up the night sky. What am I?(我像一个球一样圆,但我不是玩具。我照亮夜空。我是什么?)

Answer(答案): The moon(月亮)

4. I am silver and bright, I rule the night. What am I?(我是银色和明亮的,我主宰夜晚。我是什么?)

英语猜谜 英语月亮的谜语

Answer(答案): The moon(月亮)


1. What is clean when it is black and dirty when it is white? 2. What has a round face and two thin hands, one hand short, one hand long? 3. What is big and bright during the day and we can’t see it at night? 4. I am small. I can fly. I like singing in the sky. What am I? 5. Which letter is a drink? 6. Which letter is around an island? 7. Which letter is an animal? 8. Which letter is a kind of vegetable? 1.三四五,象把弓, 十五十六正威风, 人人说我三十寿, 二十八、九便送终。(打一天体) 谜底:月亮 2.有时落在山腰,有时挂在树梢, 有时象面圆镜,有时象把镰刀。 (打一天体) 谜底:月亮 3.小时两只角,长大没有角, 到了二十多,又生两只角。 (打一天体) 谜底:月亮 4.小圆镜,亮荧荧,挂南天,照北京.(打一天体) 谜底:月亮 5.一面镜子亮晶晶,走遍天下照古今.(打一天体) 谜底:月亮 6.小时有牙,老来有牙,半老不少,反倒没牙.(打一天体) 谜底:月亮 7.白玉盘,滴溜圆,青色板上滚一晚.(打一天体) 谜底:月亮 8. 小时两只角,长大没有角, 到了二十多,又生两只角。 (打一天体) 谜底:月亮
