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do sports和play sports一样吗 急求英语对话关于周末安排的


do sports和play sports一样吗

1.do sports和play sports一样都是做运动的意思。例句:I often do sports on the weekend.I often play sports on the weekend.汉语意思我经常在周末做运动。

do sports和play sports一样吗 急求英语对话关于周末安排的

2.英语学习中同义词组要多读多练。try one's best.等于do one's best.

3.I will try my best to learn English well.


A:How will you spend this lovely weekend?

B:Every Saturday night I tutor a kid. I usually sleep in late the next morning. Then on Sunday when I have nothing else to do, I like to play chess. What about you?

A:That sounds kind of boring. Why don`t you come to do a little traveling with me?

B:Where? We have only two days.

A:I am thinking we might go camping.

B:That`s what we did last weekend. It was fun but I really need to work this weekend and I like playing chess. I`m not really interested in going out to the country again.

A:We did have fun. Doing a little travel on the weekend is much more interesting than sitting around in the city.

B:Maybe, but I still have to teach on Saturday. I told the kid I`d be there this weekend because I missed last weekend. Maybe we could go for a picnic on Sunday. How does that sound?

A:That is pretty good. i 'd love to go.See you this Sunday.ByeBye~



介词on用于星期、日期(包括该天的各部分)前,表达方式为:on Sundays/weekdays。另外,“在周末”既可以说at weekends,也可以说on weekends。

on weekend,在周末。

时间介词in.on.at。at用于具体时间点前,如:在八点钟,at eight o'clock.

介词on用于具体的某一天前,如星期前,周末等等,如:on weekend.在周末。

介词in用于年,月,季节前,也可以用于早晨,下午和晚上,如在1983年,in 1983.在早晨,in the morning.
