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急求水果类和花类的英语单词 兰花的英文


急求水果类和花类的英语单词 兰花的英文



azalea 杜鹃花 /camellia 山茶花

chrysanthemum 菊花/ daisy 雏菊

narcissus 水仙花 /orchid 兰花

water hyacinth 凤眼兰 mangnolia 木兰花


lemon 柠檬 /pear 梨子 /banana 香蕉

grape 葡萄 / peach 桃子

orange 橙 /strawberry 草莓

mango 芒果 /pineapple 菠萝



ash [] n. 梣树

bark [bɑk] n. 树皮

beech [bit] n. n. 山毛榉

birch [bt] n.桦树

bird feeder n. 鸟食容器

blossom [blsm] n. 花

branch [brɑnt] n. 树枝

bud [bd] n.芽;蓓蕾

bush [b] n.灌木

buttercup [btkp] n.毛茛;金凤花

compost [kmpst] n. 堆肥

daffodil [dfdl] n. 黄水仙花

daisy [dezi] n.雏菊

dandelion [dndlan] n. 蒲公英

elm [elm] n.榆树

fence [fens] n.篱笆

fern [fn] n.蕨;蕨类植物

fertilizer [ftlaz(r)] n. 肥料

fir tree n. 冷杉树;枞树

flower [fla(r)] n.花朵

forest [frst] n.森林

forget-me-not n.勿忘我

garden [ɡɑdn] n. 花园;公园

garden bench n. 公园长凳

garden centre n. 苗圃;花卉市场

gardener [ɡɑdn(r)] n. 园丁;花匠

gardening [ɡɑdn] n. 园艺

grass [ɡrɑs] n. 割草

greenhouse [ɡrinhas] n. 温室

ground [ɡrand] n. 土壤;土地

grounds [grandz] n. 空地

hedge [hed] n. 树篱

hoe [h] n. 锄头

holly [hli] n.冬青树

hose [hz] n. 水管

ivy [avi] n. 常青藤

jasmine [dzmn] n. 茉莉

lawn [ln] n. 草坪

lawnmower [lnm(r)] n. 割草机

leaf [lif] n. 树叶

lily [lli] n. 百合

oak [k] n. 橡树

orchard [td] n. 果园

orchid [kd] n. 兰花

palm tree n.棕榈树

path [pɑθ] n. 小路;小径

patio [pti] n.露台;平台

petal [petl]n. 花瓣

pine [pan] n. 松树

plant [plɑnt] n. 


I have 3 pots of Chlorophytum. Chlorophytum is a kind of vanilla, which has always been loved by people and is a symbol of elegance and purity. In ancient times, when people are compared with orchids, it means beautiful and noble. I like flowers, like orchids, more like orchids in the Diaolan.
