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stages stageselect翻译




stages stageselect翻译

stage manager 舞台经理;阶段经理;剧务 词语用法:tage的基本意思是“阶段,时期”,也可指“舞台”,用于比喻可指“生活舞台,政治舞台,历史舞台”等,引申可作“戏剧表演,演员职业”解。


Dear friendsstages,亲爱的朋友:Thank you very much for your kind reply.非常感谢您们友好的答复。

提问者的问候:看到您对于‘’的非常受益。谢谢 (直意是我好好听了stages你对‘’的

think about this carefully then reply us we really hope to hear from you soon Thanks in advance for your care 此外stages,请您与您的上司认真商讨stages,然后给我们答复stages,对此我们十分期待。事先谢过您的关照。


1、His relationship with Mary went through four stages. 他与玛丽的关系经历了四个阶段。 About four months out of six, the Senator is away politicking. 六个月中约有四个月,这位参议员外出参加竞选活动。

2、Symptoms of the disease can include fever and fatigue in the early stages.这种疾病在初期可能会有发热和疲劳的症状。 I usually go to bed early and get up early.我通常早睡早起。

3、final怎么读如下:final英[fanl]美[fanl]双语例句:1:不要同我争论, 我已经拿定主意了。Dont argue with me, my decision is final .2:这场比赛现在处于最后阶段。