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Cheerios是什么意思 cheerio



cheerio [,tʃiəri'əu] interj.,n.[英国口语]再见,再会(为你的健康)干杯[祝酒时用语]您好 [亦作 cheerioh][美国俚语]再会(表明此次聚会没意思)


再见的英语说法起码有20种:1. Good day  祝你一天愉快  2. Bye bye  再见  3. So long  再见  4. Cheerio  加油  5. Be seeing you  再见  6. Toodledoo  再见  7. Ciao  再见  8. Cheers  欢呼,喝彩  9. Take care  保重  10. Catch you later  待会儿见  11. Farewell  再见  12. Have a nice day  祝你一天过的愉快  13. All the best  祝一切都好  14. Ta ta for now  再见  15. See you later alligator!  再见  16. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do!  乖乖的喔!再见  17. Have fun  玩的开心  18. Good luck  祝你好运  19. Take it easy  放松点吧  20. Talk to you later  待会儿见




Cheerios是什么意思 cheerio


see you later再见;回头见;待会儿见;一会儿见双语例1. Cheerio! I'll see you later. 再见!回头见。2. Cheers then. See you later. 告辞了。再见!3. I'll take off now, and see you later. 我现在就要走了, 回头见.4. I will see you later. 等会儿再见.5. I'll come and see you later. 我以后再来看你.

see you later 意思是:再见;回头见;待会儿见;一会儿见例句:

1.I'm ready. See you later, Marilyn.我准备好了。Marilyn再见。

2.Linda: See you later George.琳达:再见,乔治。

3.An informal way of saying goodbye, especially if you expect to see the person again quite soon, you can say: See you later.道再见的非正式用法是See you later(再见)。尤其在你希望很快再见到某人时使用这种用法。

Cheerios是什么意思 cheerio

4.Beth: Great idea. See you later then.贝丝:好主意,我们到时候见!

5.Vincent: Thanks again Lisa. See you later.文森特:再次感谢,丽萨,等会见。
