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夏天的英文单词 描写夏天的英语单词有哪些



描写夏天的英语单词有summer,夏天;summer begins,立夏;air-conditional,空调;cool drink,冷饮;sunshade,遮阳伞;stifling;令人窒息的。

夏天的英文单词 描写夏天的英语单词有哪些


summer 夏天

summer begins 立夏

summer solstice 夏至

air-conditional 空调

ice 冰

cool drink 冷饮

typhoon/tropical storm/hurricane 台风/热带风暴/飓风

refrigerator 冰箱

summer vacation 暑假

sandals 凉鞋

sunshade 遮阳伞

shades 太阳镜

hot 炎热

boiling 炎热的

scorching 酷热的

searing 炽热的

sweltering 闷热的

stifling 令人窒息的

roasting 燥热的

heat wave 热浪

heat stroke 中暑

sun burn 晒伤

sun tanning 晒黑

sun bathing 日光浴

夏天的英文单词 描写夏天的英语单词有哪些

sun cream 防晒霜


1.It was a summer afternoon. The clear blue sky was dotted with fluttering larks。


2.Summer is when the sun shines and the butterflies dance with the flowers。



春天:Spring、夏天:summer、秋天:autumn、冬天:winter。春夏秋冬造句:春夏秋冬指四季或一年也可以用英文表示为:Four seasons or a year。关于春夏秋冬的英语单词:

春天是spring, 夏天是summer ,秋天是autumn或fall ,冬天是winter


春天warm、flower、tree、fly the kite 、picnic;

夏天 hot rain、go swimming;

秋天 cool wind、fall leaves(落叶);

冬天 cold 、make a snowman堆雪人、go skate、wind.


Flowers blossom when spring is coming. 春天来了 花儿就开了。

The weather in spring is warm. 春天天气温暖。

Days in summer are so hot that people would rather stay at home. 夏天太热,人们宁愿呆在家。

The weather in summer is hot and sunny. 夏天的天气晴朗炎热。

American people use the word "fall" to mean autumn.美国人用fall这个单词来表示秋天。

The weather in autumn is dry and windy. 秋天干燥凉爽。

We have passed the last few winters in the south.最近几年冬天我们都是在南方度过的。

The weather in winter is cold and snowy.冬天的天气寒冷多雪。
