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restaurants 两个快餐店的比较英语作文


restaurants 两个快餐店的比较英语作文


Sometimes I would like to have dinner at restaurants.And there are two which I prefer.

One is Jake's.I would like to have dinner in there when I am free.It has long benches there.And music there is nice too.Still you could smoke at non-smoking section.

And the other one is McDonald's.I think everybody knows it.When I have no time.It always be my first choice.It's a little noisy there.And people who want to smoke there are forbidden.And,That's my two favorite restaurants.


根据事实(尤其是后面的句意)来回答yes 或no,例如A:You are rarely late, are you?

B:No,I'mnit.. I am always on time.


restaurants 两个快餐店的比较英语作文

They rarely agree on what to do, do they?他们很少在要做的事情看法一致,是吗?

She is rarely seen in public nowadays,is she?如今她很少公开路面,是吗?

His work rarely rises above the mediocre, dies it?他工作平平,很少有突出表现 ,是这样吧?
