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英语常用词组搭配归纳 常用短语




look out当心

英语常用词组搭配归纳 常用短语

look on旁观

look back on回忆

look down on轻视

look forward to 期待


play for money赌钱

play safe求稳

play the game为人正直play high 豪赌

1.take on 约束,承担;
2.come true 实现;
3.hand in 交上;
4.turn to 请求帮忙;
5.go by 以……计算;
6.ring off 挂断;
7.go over 复习;
8.at ease 放松,安心;
9.in sight 在视野里;
10.set off 出发,启程;
11.get through 完成;
12.run out of 用完;
13.hand out 分发;
14.make up 编造,构成;
15.come around 来访;
16.look up 查阅;
17.carry on 继续;
18.cut off 割断;
19.fall in love 爱上;
20.break away 挣脱,逃走。



admission of sth 承认

advance in 改进,进步

advantage over 优于……的有利条件

英语常用词组搭配归纳 常用短语

affection for/towards 爱,喜欢

answer to ……的答案

anxiety for sth 渴望

apology to sb for sth 道歉

1. at all costs 不惜一切代价

2. take it easy 别紧张,放松点

3. face the music 勇敢地面对困境

4. in the meantime 同时,期间

5. keep an eye on 留意,监视

6. break the ice 打破僵局,破冰

7. hold one's breath 屏住呼吸

8. play by ear 没有计划地行动

9. the ball is in one's court 球在某人一边,由某人决定

英语常用词组搭配归纳 常用短语

10. turn a blind eye to 对某事装作没看见

1.随着经济的快速发展 with the rapid development of economy

2.人民生活水平的显著提高/ 稳步增长  the remarkable improvement/ steady growth of people’s living standard

3.先进的科学技术 advanced science and technology

4.面临新的机遇和挑战 be faced with new opportunities and challenges

5.人们普遍认为 It is commonly believed/ recognized that…

6.社会发展的必然结果 the inevitable result of social development

7.引起了广泛的公众关注 arouse wide public concern/ draw public attention

8.不可否认 It is undeniable that…/ There is no denying that…

9.热烈的讨论/ 争论 a heated discussion/ debate

10. 有争议性的问题 a controversial issue
