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英语名句关于童话 童话英文版





英语名句关于童话 童话英文版

太阳为它们发出亮光,使这牛蒡林增添了不少光彩。这样,它们过得非常幸福——这整个家庭是幸福的,说不出地幸福! Rain hit the burdock leaves, for they clunk music to. The sun as they make a light, make the burdock forest add a lot of glorious. In this way, they have a great happiness, the whole family is happy, unspeakably happiness!2.山上野草的新鲜香气和谷里麝香草以及薄荷的幽香。

"It's kind of fun to do the impossible."“做不可能的事情是一种乐趣。”

"For life to be a fairy tale, perhaps all you need is to believe.""生活一如童话,或许你所需的只是信念。"

"Happiness is a state of mind. It's just according to the way you look at things.""快乐是一种心态,它取决于你看待事物的方式。"

“The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.”“将想法付诸实践,少说多做。”

英语名句关于童话 童话英文版


Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm

  One day the rooster said to his hens, "Go into the kitchen and pick up the breadcrumbs from the table. Our mistress has gone out visiting."

  the hens said, "No, no, we won't go. If our mistress finds out, she will beat us."

  then the rooster said, "She won't know anything about it. Come on. She never gives us anything good."

  then the hens said once again, "No, no. Not ever. We are not going in there."

  But the rooster would give them no peace until they finally got onto the table and began to eat the breadcrumbs with all their might. Just then the mistress came home, quickly took hold of a stick, drove them off the table and gave them a good beating.

英语名句关于童话 童话英文版

  Once outside the house, the hens said to the rooster, "Don't you see, see, see, see, see, see, see?"

  the rooster laughed and said, "Didn't I know it, know it, know it?"

  And they went their way.
