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超短英语小故事25字 双语故事



Once upon a time, a rabbit and a turtle had a race. The rabbit sprinted ahead quickly, but then took a nap. The turtle kept going and won the race. Moral: Slow and steady wins the race.

超短英语小故事25字 双语故事

Hello,I am Amy  l am 13,l am tall and thin,l have long hair,l have big eyes,l have small mouth,lam a quiet girl.

The Lion and the Mouse

One day, a lion was sleeping when a mouse accidentally woke him up. The lion was very angry and was about to eat the mouse. But the mouse begged for mercy and said, "Please forgive me. I will be useful to you one day." The lion laughed and let the mouse go.

Later, the lion was trapped in a net by some hunters. The mouse saw this and chewed through the net with his teeth. The lion was freed and the mouse saved his life. The moral of the story is that kindness and help to those weaker than ourselves can sometimes be repaid in unexpected ways.   希望这个小故事能够给您带来启发和乐趣!

The boy who cried wolf

超短英语小故事25字 双语故事

Lost wallet found. Honest person returned it. Grateful owner gave a reward. Kindness and honesty are always rewarded.


