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长颈鹿英语怎么读 “长颈鹿”的英文怎么写



giraffe 【读音】英 [dʒɪˈrɑ:f] 美 [dʒəˈræf; dʒəˈræf] 【释义】n. 长颈鹿 【例句】 Can I get the mommy giraffe for Christmas? 我在圣诞节能得到一个长颈鹿妈妈吗?


A giraffe is the highest animal in the world.It has two long legs.The most difficult thing for the giraffe to do is to drink because its legs are so long that it has to stretch its legs to very uncomfortable level to lower its head.A giraffe likes to eat leaves of the high tree.

长颈鹿英语怎么读 “长颈鹿”的英文怎么写


Giraffes live in the arid and open savanna, and live in groups. 

Their food is the leaves and branches of various tall trees.

 Giraffes have a keen sense of hearing and vision. 

The eyes can see the things behind them, but they are silent like a mute and seldom make a sound

A giraffe is the highest animal in the world.It has two long legs.The most difficult thing for the giraffe to do is to drink because its legs are so long that it has to stretch its legs to very uncomfortable level to lower its head.A giraffe likes to eat leaves of the high tree.长颈鹿是世界上最高的动物,它有两只很长的腿,长颈鹿要做的最困难的事情就是喝水,因为它的腿长得很不舒服,腿要伸展到很不舒服的程度,长颈鹿喜欢吃树上的叶子。



你说的那种ves结尾的是f/fe结尾的名词,改成复数要把f/fe改成v 再加上es,比如knife~knives, wife~wives, life~lives, shelf~shelves , leaf ~leaves, 好多呢 。硬要说giraffe为什么不遵守规则,嗯,它是外来词,总是有点特殊的,有些单词就是不遵守英语的规则的。
