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带谐音的英文故事50字 英语小短文



Once upon a time, a foolish man tried to kill a fly with a 10-pound hammer. The fly was not harmed, but the man's hand was badly injured. The moral of the story is: Smart people know their own limitations.

Once upon a time, there was a poor boy named "Stinky". He loved to play the trumpet, but he could never play well because his name was Stinky. One day, he decided to give up and quit the trumpet. But then he realized that the word "stinky" sounded like the word "thinky", so he started thinking deeply about his playing. He practiced harder and harder, and finally became a great trumpet player! The moral of the story is that you can do anything if you put your mind to it, even if your name is Stinky!

带谐音的英文故事50字 英语小短文


从前,有一只名为"Bobo"的小猪,它居住在一个风景如画的农场里。Bobo性格开朗活泼,经常在草地上奔跑跳跃。有一天,Bobo遇到了一只可爱的母鸡,名字叫做"Cluck Cluck"。Cluck Cluck也十分喜欢Bobo,两只小动物成为了形影不离的好朋友。Bobo和Cluck Cluck经常一起在农场玩耍,它们总是能互相逗乐,农场里的其他动物们也都很喜欢这对小冤家。

从前,有只叫做 Betty 的小鸟,但它更喜欢别人叫它 “Pretty”。有一天,它决定飞去森林里寻找它梦寐以求的“Pretty”树。途中,它遇到了许多奇奇怪怪的动物,包括一只爱唱歌的青蛙叫 “Croak”(谐音“rock”),一只爱跳舞的兔子叫 “Hop”(谐音“pop”),还有一只爱吃水果的猴子叫 “Peel”(谐音“peel”)。最后,Betty 终于找到了它的“Pretty”树,并开心地唱起歌来。
