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八年级英语一般过去时句子 英语一般过去时的知识点归纳



一般过去时是指发生在过去的动作或状态,常用的结构是主语+动词过去式。在八年级英语中,一般过去时的句子很常见,如:I played basketball yesterday.(我昨天打篮球了。)She studied English for three hours last night.(她昨晚学英语学了三个小时。)We visited the museum last week.(我们上周参观了博物馆。)这些句子中,动词都变成了过去式,表示这些动作在过去已经完成。
在写一段话时,可以通过使用一般过去时来描述过去的事件或经历。例如:Yesterday, I went to the park with my friends. We played soccer and had a picnic. I brought sandwiches and my friend brought fruit. We had a great time. Later, we walked around the lake and saw some ducks swimming. When it started to get dark, we went home. It was a fun day. 这段话中,使用了多个一般过去时的句子,描述了昨天发生的一系列事件,使读者能够感受到作者的经历和感受。

八年级英语一般过去时句子 英语一般过去时的知识点归纳

1. I played football with my friends yesterday.
2. She went to the cinema last night.
3. We visited our grandparents during the school holiday.
4. He cooked dinner for his family on Saturday.
5. They cleaned their room before their parents came home.
6. I finished my homework before I went to bed.
7. She rode her bicycle to school every morning last year.
8. We watched a movie at the cinema last weekend.
9. He studied hard for the exam last week.
10. They visited the museum during their summer vacation.


英语一般过去时,一般是由be动词和实义动词情态动词所引导的,由be动词做谓语引导的,通常要把be动词换成过去式的形式is ,am换成was  ,are要换成were,由实义动词引导的,要把实义动词变成其过去式的形式例如:like要变成它的过去式liked ,由情态动词引导的一般过去式,要把情态动词变成其过去式形式,例如can要变成could.
