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见与不见英文版 西海情歌英文版歌名叫啥



《Since you left years ago》



自你离开以后/Since you left years ago

见与不见英文版 西海情歌英文版歌名叫啥

从此就丢了温柔/I’ve lost myself I lost you

等待在这雪山路漫长/Standing on this snowy mountain high

听寒风呼啸依旧/I feel the icy wind blow

一眼望不到边/Watching the boundless lake

风似刀割我的脸/with harsh wind biting my face

等不到西海天际蔚蓝/failing to see the sunny blue sky

无缘着苍茫的高原/on the highland I set myself free

还记得你/I keep in mind

答应过我不会让我把你找不见/you have told me you would never ever leave from me

见与不见英文版 西海情歌英文版歌名叫啥

可你跟随/But with those

那南归的候鸟飞得那么远/migrant birds to the South you fly far away

爱像风筝断了线/Like the kite that goes astray

拉不住你许下的诺言/your promise now is losing its way

我在苦苦等待/I have waited long for

雪山之巅温暖的春天/the coming spring that brings me warm days

等到高原/I wait until

冰雪融化之后归来的孤雁/the snow on mountain melts down into the sea

爱再难以续情缘/Our love is to fade away

见与不见英文版 西海情歌英文版歌名叫啥

回不到我们的从前/Never will we back to the past days

一眼望不到边/Watching the boundless lake

风似刀割我的脸/with harsh wind biting my face

等不到西海天际蔚蓝/failing to see the sunny blue sky


西海情歌的英文版歌名叫《Unforgettable Love》。
1, 这首歌是中国大陆的一个歌手叫“韦礼安”演唱的,他后来为了在海外发展,唱了一首英文版的西海情歌,并取名为《Unforgettable Love》。
2, 这首歌在国内外都受到了广泛的好评和喜爱,无论是在音乐节目或者各种网络平台上都获得了较高的播放量和曝光度。


Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.2) It’s no use going back to yesterday, because I was a different person then.3) Who in the world am I? Ah, that's the great puzzle.4) If everybody minded their own business, the world would go around a great deal faster than it does.5) Alice: How long is forever? White Rabbit:Sometimes, just one second.6) Imagination is the only weapon in the war against reality.
