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介绍奥运会新项目,英语作文 奥运会英语作文


介绍奥运会新项目,英语作文 奥运会英语作文


(Olympic Games) we all know that the 10th Olympic Games will be held in Beijing. We are very happy to hold the Olympic Games. All Chinese people are very happy to have this opportunity.

In November, the official mascot of the Beijing Olympic Games was unveiled like the Olympic rings. They drew colors and inspiration from it. These five friends passed on the official mascot of Beijing Olympic Games to children all over the world With friendship, peace and blessing, when you spell their names together, Beijing is a fish, Jingjing is a panda, Huanhuan is the Olympic flame, Yingying is a Tibetan antelope, Nini is a swallow, which means welcome to Beijing.

We have grown up and can do a lot of things for the Olympic Games. I want to be a guide, because this job can describe China when people say oh, China is too Great. I'll be happy.

I hope the Olympics will make them more popular.


2022年北京冬奥会,我们申办成功啦!这是一个令人欢欣鼓舞的时刻!这是一个让所有中国人为之骄傲的时刻!申办成功意味着新的征程的开始,讲文明,树新风,增强文明意识,提高文明素质, 做了不起的中国人,让世界看到 中国正在从大国走向强国。

作为东道主,既是一份荣誉,也是一份责任,每一个人都有义务、有责任用实际行动支持冬奥会。在此我倡议:当你看见地上有垃圾时,请你主动捡起; 当你横穿马路时,请走人行横道; 当你看见车上有老人时,请你主动让座; 当你看到自来水流个不停时,请你拧紧水龙头;当你看见有人乱涂乱画时,请你前去制止。



