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soasto和suchasto的区别 soasto


1、so as to是固定搭配,意思是“为的是,为了”,可以用来引导目的状语。so as to连接结果,可以放在句中,但不能用放在句子的开头。She got up early so as to catch the first bus.她早早起了床以便赶上头班车 。

soasto和suchasto的区别 soasto

2、He studied hard so as to pass the exam with flying colors.(他努力学习,以便能够在考试中得高分,并取得优异成绩。)She saved money so as to buy a new car next year.(她存钱,以便明年能够买一辆新车。

3、as to+动词短语,so that+从句。

soasto和suchasto的区别 soasto