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向往高中生活作文英语 高中英语作文



As a high school student, study is doutless the most impotant for me. My dream is going to a good university, so I will try my best to realize it. However, this is not the only thing I should do in my high school. I also want my high school years to be colorful and meaningful.

向往高中生活作文英语 高中英语作文

So I will read more books and take part in some activites such as sport meeting as well. In a word, these three years is really important for every student to improve himself/ herself, and no one should waste it.


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Yiyang Qianxi, a superstar who grew up under the eyes of the vast number of netizens

May you continue to engage with the world with gusto and continue to walk the path of flowers.

向往高中生活作文英语 高中英语作文

Yiyang Qianxi is aYiyang Qianxi is a very good actor, and he is constantly breaking through himself.We should learn from him.
