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想说把音乐关掉是tuen the music off还是turn off the music 停止的英文


想说把音乐关掉是tuen the music off还是turn off the music

看你怎么用这里的"音乐停止",如果只是一句独立的话,那么直接用你的第二种说法就行了,如果是某个句中的成分,那么应该用the music stopped,此时后面的stopped是修饰语,可以理解为后置的形容词

想说把音乐关掉是tuen the music off还是turn off the music 停止的英文


cessation、surcease、stopping、shuttingdown、ceasing一、cessation 英 [se'seɪʃn] 美 [se'seɪʃn]    n. 终止;(短暂的)停止例:We were off the mark as soon as the bell for the cessation of work sounded.停止工作的铃声一响,我们马上就走了。二、surcease 英 [sɜː'siːs] 美 [sə'siːs]    n. 停止;完结v. (使)停止例:No time for aught but worry and struggle.No hope of anything but the surcease of sorrow in death.他们没有时间去追求任何东西,每天就在那里担忧和挣扎,他们没有任何愿望,仅仅希望自己能在死后摆脱痛苦。三、stopping 英 ['stɒpɪŋ] 美 ['stɒpɪŋ]    n. 停止;填塞物动词stop的现在分词形式.例:He hurried past me without stopping.他匆忙从我身边走过,连停都没停。四、shuttingdown 英 ['ʃʌtɪŋdaʊn]  美 ['ʃʌtɪŋdaʊn]    停止例:shuttingdown the system for a few hours will be of little significance,系统关闭几个小时没有意义。五、ceasing 英 ['siːsɪŋ]     美 ['siːsɪŋ]    n. 停止;中止;终了动词cease的现在分词形式.例:Although the rain pours down, ceasing all outdoor activities, the man of the field still smiles.虽然大雨滂沱,停止了所有的户外活动,但是农民们仍然面带微笑。


(1)离, 距far off 远a mile off 有一英里远only three months off 只要再过三个月(只在三个月前)(2)离开, 走开fly off 飞去go off 走掉Where are you off to? 你到哪里去?(3)脱离, 脱掉get off 脱衣; 下马fall off (从马上)掉下来look off 掉转视线take off 脱(衣、帽、鞋等)(4)断掉, 休止turn off the radio 关掉收音机take a day off 休假一天(5)(动作)完了、中止drink off 喝完leave off work 停止工作pay off 付清The game was called off. 比赛取消了。(6)表示情况]comfortably off 收入很多, 生活宽裕How are you off for fuel? 你们的燃料情况怎样?(7)(渐渐)减少; ...起来cool off 冷起来; (热情)低落下来; (情绪)平静下来wear off (精力)衰退; (衣服)渐渐破损(8)折扣ten per cent off 九折 欺骗pass off a false article on a man 把假货卖给某人 呵呵,够详细了吧!

想说把音乐关掉是tuen the music off还是turn off the music 停止的英文
