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中学生英语作文范文 warmthinmyheart初中英语作文范文80词



When I went to college for my new high school education, teachers were friendly and classmates were very helpful, they gave me so much help, even invited me to live with her, teachers helped me whenever I had problems, all these things made me feel so warmth in my heart.


Why do we need 5G?

Mobile communication has profoundly changed people's life, but people's pursuit for higher performance of mobile communication has never stopped.

中学生英语作文范文 warmthinmyheart初中英语作文范文80词

In order to cope with the future of mobile data traffic explosive growth, the connection of massive device, the continuous emergence of various new services and applications scene, the fifth generation mobile communication (5G) system will emerge as times require.


Hello everyone, my name is Chanel. I come from an ordinary family and I will introduce myself.

I am thirteen years old and my father and mother are both teachers, although my father is a secondary school history teacher and my mother is a university professor of French. Their profession and occupation make me proud, and I dream of becoming a teacher and going on to teach art.

中学生英语作文范文 warmthinmyheart初中英语作文范文80词

I am average in appearance, but I have long dark and waterfall-like hair, which gives me a lot of confidence.

I like to watch superheroes, which will give me a lot of strength to face all the bad things.

That's me.

中学生英语作文范文 warmthinmyheart初中英语作文范文80词
