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关于国庆节的英文句子 有关国庆的英语单词和短语




1. National Day is a public holiday in China.

2. The national flag of China is red with five stars.

3. Each year on October 1st, there is a grand military parade and civilian parade to celebrate National Day.

关于国庆节的英文句子 有关国庆的英语单词和短语

4. China has made great progress in the past few decades, and National Day is a celebration of this progress.

5. During National Day, many people go to travel, visit friends or watch TV programs to celebrate.

6. It is tradition in China to eat mooncakes and watch fireworks displays during National Day.

7. The history of National Day is connected with the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949.

8. The Chinese people are proud of their country and celebrate National Day with great enthusiasm.

关于国庆节的英文句子 有关国庆的英语单词和短语

9. National Day is an important holiday for the Chinese people, and many businesses and schools are closed for the day.

10. In larger cities, there are often beautiful fireworks displays and light shows to mark the occasion.


国庆节(National Day)是中国的重要节日,也是国家的公共假日。在国庆期间,人们会举行各种庆祝活动,如阅兵仪式(military parade)、升旗仪式(flag-raising ceremony)、烟花表演(fireworks display)等。此外,人们还会参加游行(parade)、观看文艺演出(cultural performances)、放风筝(fly kites)等活动。国庆期间,人们还会互相祝福(wish each other)国庆快乐(Happy National Day)并且庆祝祖国的繁荣与发展。
