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六级作文万能句型 六级作文万能句型模板


1、引出不同观点的万能模板:Peoples views on... vary from person to person. Some hold that... . However, others believe that... 人们对……的观点因人而异。

2、六级英语作文模板万能句型如下:Many people insist that.很多人坚持认为。I cannot entirely agree with the idea that.我无法完全同意这一观点。

3、英语作文必备万能句型 in order that 她拼命干活以便到六点时把一切都准备就绪。She worked hard in order that everything would be ready by 6 oclock. in order to 为了实现他的梦想,他学习非常努力。

4、英语作文万能句子、句型及模板 经验是知识之父,记忆是知识之母。 experience is the father of knowledge and memory is the mother of knowledge. 生活中的幸福是坚信有人爱我们。

六级作文万能句型 六级作文万能句型模板

5、四六级万能句首段写作:Recently,the rise in the problem/phenomenon of ___ has aroused public/wide concern.最近,___问题/现象的出现已经引起了公众的/广泛的关注。


1、六级英语作文模板万能句型如下:Many people insist that.很多人坚持认为。I cannot entirely agree with the idea that.我无法完全同意这一观点。

2、英语作文必备万能句型 in order that 她拼命干活以便到六点时把一切都准备就绪。She worked hard in order that everything would be ready by 6 oclock. in order to 为了实现他的梦想,他学习非常努力。

3、下半年英语六级高分写作好句 Chances are that man will eventually land on Mars . 人类有可能最终登陆火星。 The likelihood for peace in the Middle East remains questionable . 中东和平的可能性仍让人怀疑。

六级作文万能句型 六级作文万能句型模板



六级英语作文模板万能句型如下:Many people insist that.很多人坚持认为。I cannot entirely agree with the idea that.我无法完全同意这一观点。

六级作文模板万能句型是可以套用在作文的模板句,如下:关于xxxx人们有不同的观点,一些人认为xxxx。There are different opinions among people as to ___ .Some people suggest that ___。

四六级万能句首段写作:Recently,the rise in the problem/phenomenon of ___ has aroused public/wide concern.最近,___问题/现象的出现已经引起了公众的/广泛的关注。

六级作文万能句型 六级作文万能句型模板

英语作文必备万能句型 in order that 她拼命干活以便到六点时把一切都准备就绪。She worked hard in order that everything would be ready by 6 oclock. in order to 为了实现他的梦想,他学习非常努力。