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感恩节 英语文案 感恩节英语小短文5句话


感恩节 英语文案


感恩节 英语文案 感恩节英语小短文5句话

A day of thanks and gratitude.

A time to reflect on the good things in life.

Appreciate the small things in life.

Giving thanks for another year of health, happiness, and success.

Let's cherish the people and things we have in our lives.

A day to express our gratitude to the ones who make our lives better.

A time to be thankful for the blessings we receive.

Let's show our appreciation for the good things in life.

A day to remember the ones who bring us joy and happiness.

A time to be grateful for all the good things that have happened in our lives.翻译

感恩节 英语文案 感恩节英语小短文5句话



1. We should be grateful for every day we have. 我们应该珍惜每一天。

2. I will never forget the days I spent with my family. 我永远不会忘记和家人在一起的日子。

3. I am thankful for the opportunity to study at school. 我感激有机会在学校学习。

4. I appreciate the love and care my parents showed me. 我感激父母对我的关爱。

5. I am grateful for the chance to live in such a beautiful place. 我感激有机会居住在如此美丽的地方。

Today is Thanksgiving, grateful for my parents who raised me, grateful for the friends who have accompanied me all the way, grateful for my dear daughter, grateful for my teacher, and may you all be happy and healthy forever
