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黄河英语 小学英语中有关黄河的文化


黄河英语 小学英语中有关黄河的文化


The Yellow River is one of the cradles of the Chinese civilization,Gansu is an important birth place of the Yellow River civilization.The Majia Kiln culture is a late Neolithic culture of the upper reaches of the Yellow River.With the advancement of science and technology and the era,more and more people begin to pay attention to the Majia Kiln culture


This is the Yellow River. Each year the Yellow River carries billions of tons of sediment from the Loess Plateau eastwards to the crop fields of the Chinese heartland.

  Historically, the Chinese relationship with the river has been uneasy. Sediment, building up on the riverbed, ha

黄河英语 小学英语中有关黄河的文化

s caused the Yellow River to burst its banks periodically, unleashing devastating floods, resulting in millions of deaths.


Yellow River is the second longest river in China.

其中,Yellow River是专有名词,指的是黄河

黄河英语 小学英语中有关黄河的文化

the second longest river用最高级的形容词,前面加序数词表示“第几”
