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高中英语文章 高中15分英语作文


高中英语文章 高中15分英语作文





In the past five years, China has achieved remarkable progress in various fields. 

The country has lifted more than 60 million people out of poverty, becoming the first developing country to achieve the United Nations' poverty-reduction goal. It has also made great strides in technological innovation, advancing in areas such as artificial intelligence and 5G networks. 

高中英语文章 高中15分英语作文

China's Belt and Road Initiative has injected vitality into global economic growth and cooperation, and its environmental protection and carbon-reduction efforts have made significant contributions to addressing climate change. 

These achievements demonstrate China's firm determination to build a better future for its people and contribute to the world's development.


高中英语作文常常是三段式结构 ,第一段一般是表明写作目的 ,第二段正文部分 首先,to begin with, to start with, first of all, firstly..

.其次 besides, in addition, what's more, furthermore..

高中英语文章 高中15分英语作文

.最后 finally, in conclusion, last but not least..

.第三段是总结或得出结论或一种期待 .
