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the beginning at the beginning和in the beginning有什么区别? 给两个例句

大家好,今天小编关注到一个比较有意思的话题,就是关于the beginning的问题,于是小编就整理了5个相关介绍the beginning的解答,让我们一起看看吧。

at the beginning和in the beginning有什么区别? 给两个例句

区别:in the beginning 意为“开始时”;at the beginning不能单独用,它后面须加of,意思为“在开始…时候”:

1、At the beginning of the meeting,he didn′t say anything;but at the end of the meeting,he said a lot.

the beginning at the beginning和in the beginning有什么区别? 给两个例句

2、In the beginning,he sang a song;but in the end,he gave a speech on how to make friends.

区别:in the beginning 意为“开始时”;at the beginning不能单独用,它后面须加of,意思为“在开始…时候”:

1、At the beginning of the meeting,he didn′t say anything;but at the end of the meeting,he said a lot.

2、In the beginning,he sang a song;but in the end,he gave a speech on how to make friends.





the beginning加什么介词

the beginning加介词of,具体内容如下。


the beginning at the beginning和in the beginning有什么区别? 给两个例句



the beginning翻译the beginning 开始; 起点; 始; 开头; 开端; [例句]This is only the beginning.这仅仅是开始。

at the beginning与in the beginning一样吗

不一样。at the beginning 和 in the beginning 所表达的语义有所不同。 英语介词 at 和 in 在用于时间表达时,at 为时间点,in 为时间段。依据这一基本词义,at the beginning 表达的是一个在开始时的时间点,即以某一活动或情景作为开场的标志,如开场白、开幕音乐等;in the beginning 则表达开始后正式活动的时间段,如会议首先讨论的议题、演出开场后的第一个节目等。

就内容而言,在很多情况下,in the beginning 用来表达事情或活动的第一段安排,属于事情或活动的一部分;而 at the beginning 发生的事则不一定是活动的一部分。更多的例句: At the beginning of the world, there was nothing but water. (世界开始时只有水的存在)

At the beginning of the term, the number one priority is to make sure you know about your teacher. (学期开始时就应该了解上课的老师)

In the beginning, we will discuss if it is really necessary to develop a new product. (讨论的第一个内容)

In the beginning everybody put their money into internet enterprises. (刚开始投资阶段的现象)

到此,以上就是小编对于the beginning的问题就介绍到这了,希望介绍关于the beginning的5点解答对大家有用。