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世界杯主题曲dreamers歌词 2022世界杯主题曲完整版歌词





Look who we are, we are the dreamers,

世界杯主题曲dreamers歌词 2022世界杯主题曲完整版歌词

We'll make it happen 'cause we believe it

Look who we are, we are the dreamers,

We'll make it happen 'cause we can see it

Cause to the one that keep the passion, respect, 

oh yeah

Cause to the one that got the magic, respect, 

oh yeah

Gather 'round now look at me

Respecting love the only way

If you wanna come, come with me

The door is open everyday

This one plus two rendezvous all at my day

This what we do, how we do

世界杯主题曲dreamers歌词 2022世界杯主题曲完整版歌词


答2022年世界杯主题曲的歌词是:I wanna walk the walk on every street

我想要走路 我想要走遍大街小巷

I wanna ball out with world at my feet

我想要进球 我想要用球技赢下世界

Hit every discotheque and not skip a beat让音乐感染每个舞厅 不落下每一个节奏

I wanna party party eight days a week我想要痛快 我想要狂欢一周八天

I promise I promise I promise you now我保证 我保证 我向你保证

Everything everything gonna work out


Every tomorrow no matter what goes down

无论前路如何坎坷 明天又是新的一天I promise I promise I promise you now

我保证 我保证 我向你保证

Gonna be gonna be sticking around无论未来如何渺茫 我都与你并肩作战

世界杯主题曲dreamers歌词 2022世界杯主题曲完整版歌词

Every tomorrow no matter what goes down明天又是新的一天

Yo yo yo yo hoYou know we're better together

我们能风雨同舟 同心齐力

Yo yo yo yo hoDon't wanna wait forever不想永远驻足等待

Yo yo yo yo hoYou know we're better together

我们众志成城 就能再接再厉

Yo yo yo yo hoThe time is now or never机不可失 时不再来

Yo yo yo yo hoYou know we're better together

你知道我们能风雨同舟 同心齐力Yo yo yo yo hoDon't wanna wait forever
