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alice in wonderland 爱丽丝梦游仙境爱丽丝都去了哪里

大家好,今天小编关注到一个比较有意思的话题,就是关于alice in wonderland的问题,于是小编就整理了3个相关介绍alice in wonderland的解答,让我们一起看看吧。


电影《爱丽丝梦游仙境》(Alice in Wonderland )讲述了发生在爱丽丝上次梦游仙境的十三年后的故事,已经20岁的爱丽丝去一个庄园参加一个聚会,爱丽丝选择了逃跑,她跟着一只白兔钻进了一个洞,来到了“仙境”,虽然7岁那年她曾来过这里,但此时已毫无印象。

有一大帮爱丽丝的朋友欢迎她的归来,他们期待着爱丽丝。这部迪士尼的3D立体电影由曾带给人们无数惊喜的奇幻大师蒂姆·波顿执导,其灵感来自于英国童话大师刘易斯·卡罗尔的《爱丽斯漫游仙境》和《爱丽丝镜中奇遇记》。电影获得第83届奥斯卡金像奖最佳服装设计奖 、最佳艺术指导奖


Alice in wonderland is a 1951 American Disney animated film which is based on the fairy tale novel of the same name by Louis caro.It depicts a little girl with blonde hair and blue eyes, "Alice", who is not interested in attending class and see a Mr. Rabbit with a pocket watch and accidentally into the fantasy dreamland, get to know a group of good friends and a series of stories.

alice in wonderland 爱丽丝梦游仙境爱丽丝都去了哪里

Alice and sister fell asleep reading by the river. In her dream, she chased a rabbit in vest and fell into the rabbit hole, and came to a wonderful world and began a long and thrilling journey.

In this world, she grows big and small, so that one time she falls into a pond of tears. She also met the preaching Duchess, the mysterious Cheshire cat, the mythical Griffin and the Fake Turtle...

Until she finally collided with the queen of cards and the king, shouting in a hurry. Alice finally woke up from her wonderful dream.

alice in wonderland 爱丽丝梦游仙境爱丽丝都去了哪里




第 1 页

alice in wonderland 爱丽丝梦游仙境爱丽丝都去了哪里

话般的奇妙世界里重新审视自己,在社会风气的带动下,爱丽丝再次步入仙境,已经19岁的她生活在一个华丽富庶的大庄园里,一切都没有发生太大的变化,生活奢靡,爱丽丝逐渐地恢复了记忆,跟爱丽丝根本不是一路人,却早已忘却自己在9岁时的那些奇妙无比的经历,在家族为她举办的19岁的生日宴会上,有着奇妙的黄色瞳孔的疯帽子先生(约翰尼·德普饰)率先欢迎了爱丽丝的到来。 这里依然是她童年来过的地方,而专断凶狠的红桃皇后(海伦娜·伯翰·卡特饰)依然尖叫着要砍掉其他人的头......

到此,以上就是小编对于alice in wonderland的问题就介绍到这了,希望介绍关于alice in wonderland的3点解答对大家有用。